I got the chance to take the short drive about 15 miles down river and spend the afternoon yesterday with the Scholey family being their St. Clair Lifestyle Photographer photographer for the day inside their beautiful new home. I met Jessica, Ben, and their 7 month old beautiful girl named Breanna. I quickly learned to love the family, and they were so welcoming and inviting, and really perfected the essence of a lifestyle photography session. I feel like I used to do lots more of these style of sessions back in Colorado, and was thrilled to capture those small details that are such a big part of this sweet family’s life, such as Breanna’s perfect little nursery, reading books together as a family, airplane rides, and lots of kisses, tickles, and snuggles. Breanna did perfectly, and was such a smiley and happy little baby for this session.
Jessica’s family is from Ontario, Canada, and Ben is from Kentucky. The two of them moved from Kentucky to St. Clair back in June, and are settling into their new role as a family of three, working parents, and new Michiganders seamlessly. Jessica said she loves the area because everyone is so friendly, and it is the perfect place to raise a family. Ben said that he’s slowly adjusting to the cold climate (I didn’t have the heart to break it to him that 40 and sunny is just a standard fall day, and winter is much, much different. But I’m still working on my mindset shift, and didn’t want to be the dooms-dayer.) Their new home is on a golf course, and had a beautiful outdoor, as well as indoor areas that all photographed lovely. I’m a sucker for big windows and bright greys and white decor, and Jessica’s home was decorated straight out of a magazine.
I hope you enjoy this small preview into when I was the Scholey family’s St. Clair Lifestyle Photographer for the afternoon. If you’re interested in setting up a lifestyle photography session, I would love to get in touch with you to plan your ideal photography session. My email is info@memoirs.photography