I first met the Sabo family when our daughters were in the same preschool class. Vivien and Scarlette hit it off from the beginning, and their sweet nature is something that the two of them have in common. They went on to attend the same elementary school, and, coincidentally, were placed in the same classroom. Really, their friendship was meant to happen, and we were meant to become great friends through this pint-sized bond. I approached Tiffany one day at school pick up and told her that I wanted to drag their family out in the spring and be their Downtown Port Huron Family Photographer for the evening, and was so excited over their session last night, I rushed home and edited them all in one sitting.
Here’s some more backstory, Josh & Tiffany were actively involved in the local church that we’ve been attending this past year, and Josh recently left his role there to begin an amazing non-profit in the Blue Water Area called The Industry. They are working hard to launch this amazing curriculum, and their Go Fund Me Page has tons more information about what it is, who they are, and the vision that the program will bring to the Port Huron area. Needless to say, their Port Huron pride is strong, and downtown made the perfect location for their family photography session to update their photos. Scarlette was as sweet as ever, and was a professional smiler by the end of their session, and Amelia pretty much ran the show (and I loved every moment.) My 4 year old son is obsessed with Amelia, and I’m fairly positive that the two of them could rule the world together one day. Amelia got a brand new Mickey Mouse toy that morning, and wasn’t keen on letting it go, so we had to creatively hide him away for some of the photos, and then for others, we embraced his presence and let the good times roll. In addition to jumpstarting their new endeavor, Tiffany also began her own entrepreneurship role a few months ago by becoming a Rodan + Fields consultant, and she’s seriously killing it, and I’ve loved watching the two of them support each other, and encourage each other’s passion and drive. Anyways, I have gushed enough about their sweet family, and I can’t even begin to tell you how blessed we are that they are a part of my family’s lives.
I hope you love this tiny preview into the Sabo Family’s Downtown Port Huron Family Photography session. If you’re in the market for some updated family photos, now is a fabulous time to contact me, because I am running a pretty dynamite special and will have lots more details about that coming soon on the blog.