Today was an amazing day for an apple orchard proposal for marriage. I’d love to tell you a little bit of the details, though. Nate was in the market for a photographer for the next day, and my wonderful photog-squad gal Kathryn Bessette referred Nate to give me a call. Nate called me (literally) last night from a bathroom in Target. He was trying to orchestrate his grand plan to propose to his girlfriend, Chantelle, the very next morning at Blake’s Apple Orchard. Luckily, I had left my day open, because I’m a super-avid University of Michigan football fan, and today’s rivalry game against Michigan State had me anxious and excited enough. Nate assured me that both he and Chantelle were U of M fans too (in fact, Chantelle went there!) and that the proposal would be early in the morning, and we’d all make it home in time for kickoff. He wanted to hire me to take some photos of him proposing, and was positive that she was going to be surprised and that they would both love looking back on the professional photos of the proposal.
After telling him that I was so excited to do this, he and I continued to speak via text message to iron out the details. Bright and early today, I packed up my gear and headed to Blakes. I knew what color shirt he was wearing, and the type of car that they were driving. I creepily stalked followed them back into the orchard, and dodged and ducked in and out of apple trees and patiently waited with my telephoto lens, hoping and praying that she didn’t see the 6′ tall photographer lurking in the branches. Luckily, she didn’t and her look when Nate dropped to one knee and proposed with the most stunning rose gold ring I’ve ever seen? Well, it was seriously priceless.
And, to top off the already freaking rad day, University of Michigan won.
Congratulations, Nate and Chantelle! Enjoy some of my favorite photos of your amazing surprise-filled day!
Email me at: info@memoirs.photography